Tonic Menopause Care
As a GP I often consult with female patients experiencing symptoms of the menopause. It is a consultation I enjoy as there are often evidence based successful treatments that can be prescribed. Both quality of life and physical health can be greatly improved.
I have been an NHS GP for over 15 years and have observed the evolution of opinion towards hormone replacement therapy. It is so welcome to see the changes in public and media opinion that have taken place in supporting woman going through the perimenopause with HRT. Having been an HRT prescriber and advocate for many years it is fantastic to finally see the positive publicity and cultural shift towards active management of symptoms.
As a doctor, I hold the Diploma of Family Planning and Sexual Health and have completed both the British Menopause Society certificate in menopause management and additional menopause training modules provided by Dr Louise Newsom. Menopause management and support is an area I feel passionate about and skilled in. I am pleased to able to offer a private consultancy service for women struggling with potential symptoms at "Tonic Medical"